About Us
The Organization
Founded in 1927, The Maryland-National Capital Park and Planning Commission (M-NCPPC) is a nationally recognized leader in land use planning, parks, and recreation achieving countless awards for innovation, stewardship and exemplary vision for enhancing the lives of current and future generations.
The agency, which is chartered by the State of Maryland, has geographic authority in the Montgomery County and Prince George’s County region, which are the two Maryland counties surrounding Washington, DC.
The agency improves the well-being of over 2 million residents and countless visitors within this region by:
- Planning for the coordinated and harmonious physical growth and development of the region
- Protecting and stewarding natural, cultural, and historical resources
- Providing an award-winning system of parks
- Creating recreational experiences that enhance the quality of life of all individuals
- Planning great communities that are vibrant, livable, accessible and sustainable
The Commission is comprised of 7 distinct departments, each led by their respective Department Head. The Department of Parks and Recreation, Prince George’s County, and the Prince George’s County Planning Department carry out services for the Prince George’s County region. Montgomery Parks and Montgomery Planning carry out services for Montgomery County. Bi-county corporate management is carried out by the Department of Human Resources and Management, the Department of Finance, and the Office of the General Counsel. Other Bi-county functions include the Office of Inspector General, the Office of the Chief Information Officer, and Merit System Board.
The Commission’s governing body is comprised of ten Commissioners, 5 appointed to the Montgomery Planning Board and 5 appointed to the Prince George’s County Planning Board, which have oversight of decisions for the Montgomery and Prince George’s region. The Commission appoints the bi-county officers of the Executive Director, Secretary-Treasurer, and General Counsel.