Merit System Board


The Merit System Board makes recommendations and decisions regarding M-NCPPC’s Merit System.

The Merit System Board’s mission is to oversee the Commission’s Merit System, uphold employee rights guaranteed under the Merit System, recommend employment and compensation policies to the Commission, and serve as the final administrative appellate body for employment matters pertaining to non‐represented Merit System career employees.

Board Members

The Merit System Board is authorized by M-NCPPC’s enabling legislation. It is an impartial Board composed of 3 Members who are appointed to a 4 year term each: Chair, Vice Chair, and Board Member. They are responsible for making recommendations and decisions regarding the Commission’s Merit System.

Board Members are experienced in personnel and employment issues, and committed to fair and impartial research, due diligence and decisions on M-NCPPC policy and systems that adhere to best practices in employment. The current Board Members are:

  • Tanya Upthegrove-Coleman, Chair
  • Michael Strand, Vice Chair
  • Carolyn Scriber, Member

Department Staff