If I call you with information about a possible irregularity, will my identity be kept a secret?
The Commission has implemented a Governance, Risk Management, and Compliance (GRC) hotline. The hotline or web reporting system is a […]
Who audits the Office of the Inspector General?
The Generally Accepted Government Auditing Standards (GAGAS) promulgated by the Government Accountability Office states that each audit organization performing audits […]
How do I Report, Fraud, Waste, and Abuse?
Please call or email the Governance, Risk Management, and Compliance hotline. The hotline or web reporting system is a confidential […]
What are internal inspectors/auditors looking for?
Primarily compliance with Commission policies and sound internal controls. M-NCPPC’s policies are designed to help ensure we all comply with […]
How are units selected for audit?
The IG, in coordination with the Audit Committee, develops an annual work plan based on an assessment of relative risks, that identifies […]
Where does the OIG fit in the organization?
The OIG is independent. The OIG is led by the Inspector General (IG), who is appointed by the Commission’s Audit Committee. […]
Why does M-NCPPC have an Office of the Inspector General?
The creation of the Office of the Inspector General is mandated in the Annotated Code of Maryland, Land Use Division […]